Digilancer Mission
Although technology is often described as a way to simplifying complex tasks, often times the information on how to convert complex, confusing information into content that is easy to follow, understand, and apply isn’t that simple to undertand.
Which leads us to wonder if simplicity is natural to our nature and simplicity is easier to understand, why then is starting and operating a business is getting so complicate and yet the thought of simplifying can feel overwhelming?
Unfortunately, today’s businesses compete in a world that is growing ever more complex. Disruptive technologies emerge with increasing frequency. Customers’ needs and demands change at breakneck speed. New competitors are always entering the fray.
Now, more than ever, learning to simplify complex systems is essential. The increasing complexity of our lives is taking a toll on our mental health, calendars, and personal and professional growth. Many obstacles stand in our way as self-learners on the road to knowledge.